Our Father

When asked by his followers how to pray, the Lord Jesus gave an example of the prayer of the ages for instructional purposes. He began with, “Our father…” and thereby delivered the most important lesson about prayer.

Focus on God, but not God as an immutable force, unseen, unfelt, an oft times distant one who is hard to be entreated. Focus on Him as Father, one so familiar, one so concerned, one not only so capable but so willing. Our God might be able to do all but is he willing? We know of our Father, that though we are imperfect, though we fall short of God, He is willing to overlook our weakness, even our flaws if we confess them. Our Father knows us better, cares for us better, will never act selfishly, will always understand. He does what is best for us, we can trust him.

By focusing on our Father, we are able to come as we are, admitting our unworthiness, appealing to His mercy, His power, His wisdom, trusting in His timing.

What father is unaffected by the pitiful wail of a child hurt or in need? What father is untouched by tears?

Focus on our Father, not ourselves nor our problem. Faith comes not by looking at the problem. Faith comes by looking at our Father. By thinking on Him and His great love, His great ability, His great willingness to undertake for us, faith comes and we are able to leave matters in His capable and loving hands.